"The Modern Data Management solution for emerging workloads"

Hybrid Cloud File Data Services

Combining the benefits of both cloud and on-premises infrastructures

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Hybrid Cloud File Data Services have emerged as a dynamic solution for modern data management, addressing the growing need for secure, flexible, and scalable storag e options. By combining the benefits of both cloud and on-premises infrastructures, these services offer organizations a versatile approach to store, manage, and access their data effectively.

In a hybrid cloud file data service, data is distributed across multiple environments. Non-sensitive data is stored in the public cloud, taking advantage of its scalability, cost-effectiveness, and global accessibility. On the other hand, sensitive and critical data remains securely stored on-premises, providing organizations with complete control and data sovereignty.

Benefits to business

Enhanced Data Flexibility and Scalability

Hybrid cloud file data services offer businesses the flexibility to distribute their data across multiple environments, including on-premises infrastructure and public cloud platforms. This flexibility allows organizations to scale their storage needs seamlessly, accommodating data growth without significant upfront investments in hardware.

Optimal Data Security

Hybrid cloud file data services enable businesses to strike a balance between security and accessibility. Sensitive data can be stored on-premises with strict access controls, while non-sensitive data can reside in the cloud. This approach ensures that critical information remains within the organization’s secure boundaries, reducing exposure to external threats.

Cost-Efficient Data Management

By utilizing a hybrid cloud model, businesses can optimize their data storage costs. They can leverage cost-effective public cloud storage for less sensitive data, avoiding overprovisioning of on-premises infrastructure. This cost optimization allows organizations to allocate their IT budget more efficiently and focus on strategic initiatives.

Seamless Data Collaboration

Hybrid cloud file data services foster seamless collaboration among employees, teams, and external partners. With data accessible from anywhere and on any device, employees can collaborate efficiently, even in geographically dispersed teams. This streamlined collaboration accelerates decision-making processes and improves overall productivity.

Data Redundancy and Disaster Recovery

With data distributed across multiple environments, hybrid cloud setups provide inherent data redundancy. In the event of hardware failure or a localized outage, businesses can rely on redundant copies of their data to ensure continuous availability. Additionally, hybrid cloud file data services offer robust disaster recovery options, minimizing the impact of unforeseen data loss. 

Compliance and Governance

Hybrid cloud file data services help businesses meet regulatory compliance requirements. By segmenting data based on sensitivity, organizations can apply appropriate data protection measures and demonstrate compliance during audits. This adherence to regulations enhances the organization’s reputation and reduces the risk of legal and financial repercussions.

Future-Proofing Data Strategies

As technology continues to evolve, hybrid cloud file data services offer businesses a future-proof data management solution. Organizations can adapt to emerging technologies and industry trends without undergoing major data migrations or disruptions. The versatility of hybrid cloud setups ensures that businesses can remain agile and competitive in the rapidly changing digital landscape.

Global Accessibility

Hybrid cloud file data services enable businesses to access and share data from anywhere globally. This global accessibility is particularly advantageous for international operations, remote teams, and multi-location businesses. It promotes collaboration across borders, leading to improved customer service and more efficient business operations.

The Solutions

High Level Architecture

The Hybrid Cloud File Solution that combines Cloudian and FileCloud brings together the best of both worlds in data management.

Cloudian, a leading object storage provider, and FileCloud, a cutting-edge file collaboration platform, jointly offer businesses a powerful and comprehensive solution. Cloudian’s scalable and cost-effective object storage system serves as the foundation, allowing organizations to store vast amounts of data efficiently in the cloud. With its S3-compatible interface, Cloudian ensures seamless integration and easy migration of data to the cloud.

FileCloud complements Cloudian’s capabilities by providing advanced file collaboration features, enhanced security, and seamless access across devices and locations. Businesses can securely share and collaborate on files, with robust encryption and access controls.

The Hybrid Cloud File Solution enables businesses to optimize their data management strategies. Sensitive data can remain on-premises with Cloudian, while non-sensitive data can be efficiently stored and accessed through FileCloud in the cloud.

With powerful file sharing, sync, and mobile access capabilities, FileCloud caters to public, private, and hybrid cloud environments. Notably, it excels in supporting the hybrid model, bridging on-premises infrastructure with cloud-based solutions. This flexibility empowers organizations to keep sensitive data secure while enabling convenient cloud-based access and collaboration.

FileCloud offers two deployment models: on-premises and cloud-based, providing organizations with the flexibility to choose the most suitable solution based on their specific needs and requirements.

On-Premises Deployment

Run FileCloud as a self-hosted solution with your on-premises infrastructure and behind your firewall.

Cloud-Based Deployment

In the cloud-based deployment model, FileCloud is hosted on a third-party cloud infrastructure, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform. This model offers the advantage of rapid deployment, scalability, and reduced hardware maintenance costs.

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